Harmony out of chaos

Harmony Deconstructed
Harmony Deconstructed
Harmony out of chaos

Harmony Out of Chaos

“Amani haiji ila kwa ncha ya upanga!" This is a Swahili saying translated in English it means, there is no peace without war. Not that I advocate for war, but I use this to illustrate that, in essence, one does not arrive at a peaceful state of affairs without some form of struggle. An English proverb that portrays a similar meaning is “smooth seas make no skillful sailors.” This saying is commonly used to portray how we must go through difficulties or struggles in order to achieve a peaceful or harmonious existence.

Conflict is part of the human condition. It is a fact of life, and everyone is bound to experience it from time to time. 

For us to live an inspired harmonious life, we should not refrain or hold back from dealing with conflict in our lives. We should be invested in gaining skills first of all to prevent conflict and secondly skills to deal with conflict when it eventually arises. 


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