
Thoughts and the Body

The thoughts we harbour affect our bodies in significant ways. Depending on the nature of the thoughts, it could promote our health or affect our health in negative ways which manifests in diseases or maladies of some form.  “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”   –Charles […]

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Humor and Harmony

It is said, laughter is the best medicine. It is free of charge, also  scriptures, philosophers and medical research agree that humor or laughter has immense benefits for us  human beings.  “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul” Yiddish Proverb It is interesting that we only laugh with those with whom

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Self-Respect and Harmony

Self-respect and the ability to see our worth, is the aspect that enables us to cultivate harmony within ourselves. Having self-respect sets us up to have cordial and harmonious interactions with others. Without self-respect, chances are, we adopt a chaotic lifestyle.  “Character — the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life — is the

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The Kindness Factor

Kindness is an enabler of harmony. It perpetuates harmony within a person and harmony with others. It is the lubricant of harmony, it keeps things going smoothly and pleasantly.  “A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses.” Chinese Proverb Kindness is defined in Oxford Dictionary as the quality of being friendly,

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Embracing Humility

Humility is the virtue that we should possess but not lay claim to or boast about. As soon as you boast about it, you lose it.  “Be mindful of humility: the gale that breaks the pine does not bruise the violet.” Austin O’Malley Humility has been described by some scholars as the bedrock of all

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Sleep is a cardinal requirement for us as human beings to function optimally. If we are sleep deprived, then many if not all of our bodily functions suffer. We become irritable, we make many errors and in the long run our health gets affected negatively. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best

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Rest is crucial for us to function optimally as human beings. In modern society, there exists that feeling of wanting to keep going, to keep working and to be busy every hour of the day when we are awake.  “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.” Ovid, Roman Poet I recently

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